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How to Write Copy That Converts

Updated: Mar 21, 2023

Excellent copywriting is essential for online marketing strategies. It is the brand's voice, communicating how a company is revolutionizing its industry.

Always remember that good writing sounds like a pitch, but great writing sounds like a conversation! Your job as a copywriter is to create engaging, compelling copy that entices people to invest.

So the question is: How does one convey words that compel people to act and produce a conversion? That’s the topic of today's blog!

How to Make a Lasting Impression

In order to grab the reader's attention, you need something intriguing to hook them in. The majority of people have a short attention span. Writers only have a mere couple of seconds to reel in the target audience. A strong headline, title, subject line, or opening sentence is absolutely vital to your copy’s success.

Things to avoid:

  • Run-on sentences

  • Complex wording

  • Talking in circles

  • Large blocks of writing

The overall structure of the copy must be easy to skim through. You want your writing to look attractive rather than a chore to read. The 3-4 line rule organizes copy in easily digestible sections for quick reading. Another helpful tip is to read the writing out loud: this helps you make certain that the writing flows well.

What you should include:

  • Market stats

  • Calls to action

  • Bolded highlights

  • Top reasons to invest

  • Clear mission statement

  • Punchy, quick-to-the-point copy

  • Hyperlinks, if needed, for easy access to information.

Third-party validation will increase conversions. We cannot stress this enough!

This is where the psychology of marketing/advertising comes into play. Humans are easily influenced by branding. For example, say your company is in partnership with Coca-Cola. If you feature their branding, people will associate your company with a world-renowned business.

That same trust and familiarity they have in Coca-Cola will be placed into the palm of your hand. Because if a global brand is willing to do business with you– then your company is clearly going places.

The same principle applies to someone raving about your company to their friends. Word of mouth is an endless networking web, with constant transactions of social approval.

Thank You For Your Time!

We hope this helps in your journey to achieving your business goals! You can visit our website to learn more. We are the #1 fintech marketing agency in the world; let us optimize your business today!

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